Robot Coupe R2 Troubleshooting
When it comes to prepping food, many commercial kitchens rely on Robot Coupe. From slicing and shredding to chopping and mixing, their line of R2 commercial food processors can quickly prepare a wide variety of ingredients in no time. If the machine isn't working properly, it can significantly slow down prep time. Luckily, we have Robot Coupe R2 troubleshooting tips to help diagnose a problem quickly.
Machine Not Starting
Despite the food processor being installed correctly, it won't start up. When this occurs, look for possible issues below:
- No power to outlet – See if the breaker to the outlet needs to be reset. If not, try using a different outlet with power.
- Bowl lid or continuous feed lead out of position – The ramp should be pushed all the way to the right, engaging the safety mechanism.
- Broken safety switch pin – When the attachment cover isn't removed before attachment, it can break the safety switch pin.
Machine Stopping While Processing
Whenever the unit stops during processing, there is a good chance it was installed incorrectly. Make sure to do the following:
- Step 1. Turn the machine off – If you haven't already, shut off the unit. Then, unplug the power cord from the wall outlet.
- Step 2. Remove components – In order, remove the continuous feed lead and cutting disc. Follow the disassembly instructions here or in the operation manual.
- Step 3. Remove and clean out food – Thoroughly remove food being process from the machine and continuous feed lead.
- Step 4. Properly assemble the unit – With those parts disassembled and cleaned, reassemble the machine correctly using the instructions in the operation manual.
If the machine still isn't working properly, make sure there is power being supplied to the wall outlet. If that isn't the issue, contact an authorized service technician for assistance.
Machine Making Grinding Sound
When the unit makes a grinding noise, there could be issues with the processing plate. Check for the potential problems below:
- Unseated processing plate –With the machine off, disassemble and see if the continuous feed lead and processing plate are rubbing against each other. If so, check for pieces of food inside the processing plate's stem and on the motor shaft. Remove the pieces of food and properly seat the plate.
- Bent or warped processing plate – With the processor off, remove the plate. Reassemble without the plate, and turn the machine back on. If there isn't a grinding sound, that means the processing plate was damaged and needs to be replaced. If the noises continue, contact an authorized service technician for assistance.
Machine Jamming While Processing
Whenever the machine jams during processing, turn the unit off and unplug the power cord. Then, follow the troubleshooting procedure below:
- Step 1. Remove the continuous feed lead – Take out the continuous feed lead and clean out any food particles that were being processed.
- Step 2. Manually turn the plate – Wearing a pair of protective gloves, turn the processing plate manually counterclockwise. When you feel it slipping, you should be able to reassemble the unit and start processing.
- Step 2a. Repeat process and clean (if still jammed) – If the unit is still jammed, repeat the step above to slip the plate. However, this time, remove and clean the plate thoroughly. Before reassembling, clean the motor shaft and make sure the plate is seated fully on it.
If you struggle to loosen the jamming, contact an authorized service technician for assistance.
Continuous Feed Lead Not Fitting
The continuous feed lead should fit flush with the continuous feed attachment. If it's not fitting flush, look for the following:
- Readjust the processing plate – Make sure the plate is in the correct position.
- Rim plate not level – The rim plate must be level with the motor base's upper edge.
Food Coming Out Poorly
When food or ingredients come out of the processor poorly, you'll need to identify the issue quickly. Below are noteworthy problems to remedy:
- Cucumbers coming out with torn skin and/or seeds knocked out – This is typically caused by a dull cutting blade. Replace it with a newer, sharper one.
- Watery carrots after grating – Like the issue above, a dull grating blade can cause this issue. Replace the blade with a newer, sharper one.
- Cheese balls up instead of shredding – When cheese forms into balls while shredding, the cheese might be too warm. If not, the grating blade might be dull. Replace it with a new blade.
Still need some assistance? Check out our collection of Robot Coupe manuals for troubleshooting and maintenance tips.