How to Light a Star-Max Griddle Pilot Light
Star's line of Star-Max griddles can make a wide variety of delicious foods in any commercial kitchen. In order to get this unit cooking, you sometimes need to manually light the pilot. Below are easy instructions for how to light a Star-Max griddle pilot light.
These instructions are applicable for MZ, MZS, TZ, TCHSZ and TSPZ models.
MZ , MZS & TZ Series Lighting Procedures
- Step 1. Turn off the gas valve – Make sure the main gas valve to the unit is in the OFF position. Wait about five minutes for gas to clear before proceeding to the next step.
- Step 2. Turn off all knobs and pilot valves – After gas has cleared, place all burner knobs into the OFF position to shut off the pilot valves.
- Step 3. Turn on the gas valve and light the pilots – After waiting a few minutes, turn the gas valve. Since the griddle has standing pilots, make sure to light all pilots immediately after the gas is turned back on.
- Step 4. Turn on the burners – Adjust the burner knobs to their desired settings.
TCHSZ & TSPZ Series Lighting Procedures
- Step 1. Turn off the thermostat and pilot valves – Turn both the thermostat knobs and pilot valves to the OFF position. If the gas valves were on and gas escaped through the burners, turn off the griddle and wait about five minutes for gas to clear out.
- Step 2. Turn on the pilot valve – After gas has cleared, hold down on the reset button.
- Step 3. Manually light each pilot – While still holding down on the pilot reset button, use a barbecue lighter to light the pilot. Continue to hold onto the reset button for about one minute or until pilot stays lit. Repeat steps 2-3 for the remaining pilots.
- Step 4. Turn on the thermostat – Adjust each thermostat knob to their desired temperature.
- Step 5. Turn on the burners – Adjust the burner knobs to their desired settings. If they don't turn on, repeat steps 1-4.
If you ever need to adjust the flame on these models, there is a rotor valve to manually change the pilot flame's size. Slowly turn the adjustment knob to change the desirable size.
Need more maintenance help on Star Max griddle, check out our library of Star manuals with additional tips and tricks.